My Garden and Life
The garden looks to be happy at this point. We are in the middle of tidying up from the latest thunder storm and the normal results of weeds growing 3 times what they were overnight. laughing...…
The Beauty of Nature
There is nothing like stopping to admire the beauty that pops up when you turn the corner on a path, like I did during my morning walk recently. Though the now tattered wings of the Mourning…
Cartomancy or Playing Card Divination
Learning the Oldest Form of Card Divination Cartomancy has turned out to be a lot of fun to learn! Playing cards do not have descriptive types of images like other card systems to clue you in…
Tamales & Fermented Vegetables
…not together, of course! I have been very busy for the last few months. A couple of the things I have been doing I will post about another day. I swear time no longer exists! Being…
Debreena Site Renewed
Musings of what I am learning and doing Well. Debreena is redone in a style I prefer in lightness, layout and more. All the photos are the same aspect ratio, even if I had to put…
Summer Garden and Musings
Summer is long gone and Fall is gone in my region. We are already having Winter temps here. Snow is on the mountain tops already! I am posting garden photos, then my Musings on what...