Maple Honey Nut Granola Breakfast Cereal

Delicious Crunchy Maple Honey Nut Granola Breakfast Cereal

I have always loved cereal. The Maple Honey Nut Granola Breakfast Cereal is delicious! huff…huff… What a title! I would change it, but it is a modified recipe and… yea.

As we are finishing the garden bed redo, we tend to have quick meals on hand, even for breakfast. I normally do not eat breakfast. If I do, I want something light on the stomach and nutritious. A pea protein drink usually does the trick. While doing shoveling, lifting and setting bricks, something a bit more hearty is better, as long as it does not sit heavy in my stomach. This recipe works well for me. You CAN snack on this, even forming the mixture into “cookies” for snacking. I find them rather messy because it tends to be sometimes a bit crumbly.

This recipe is based upon Common Sense Homesteading recipe: Granola Breakfast Cookies . She based her recipe on Sustainable Eats’ Crunchy Granola Recipe.

I changed it more to our liking. First, I do NOT ferment/soak overnight the oats or the nuts. I am not big on fermenting foods or soured stuff. Look to the sites mentioned if you prefer that sort of recipe. I DO soak the oats for 15 minutes to half of an hour. That helps everything stick together. Mine is tastier, though I am sure they prefer theirs. That is the beauty of cooking. You can adjust many items more to suit your tastes. I do not claim this to be “green”, healthy, allergy-of-the-year-free or any of that sort of crap. Mine is made totally organic- real food. It is food- breakfast. Enough said.

This recipe uses a dehydrator. If you do not have one, you can dry the cereal in your oven. Check out Sustainable Eats for her method. She bakes hers. I will make this during an afternoon, after I am done with other chores to have on hand. I find it work keeping around.

Maple Honey Nut Granola Breakfast Cereal

Maple Honey Nut Granola Breakfast Cereal

4 cups thick-cut rolled oats
1 cup large coconut flakes*, lightly toasted
2 cups shredded coconut*, lightly toasted
1-1/2 cups each pecans and almonds, lightly toasted and chopped
1 cup sunflower seeds, lightly toasted
dash or 3 of salt
1 cup dried cranberries, chopped
1/2 cup dried blueberries
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup real maple syrup, grade B
1/4 cup raw honey
2 tbsp blackstrap molasses
1 tbsp maple flavoring


Soak oats for 15 minutes or so in enough cold water to cover. Drain in a fine-mesh colander. While it is draining…

In a giant mixing bowl, mix together both sizes of coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and salt. Stir with a whisk to blend well. With a giant spoon, stir in drained oats. Mix well.

In a small pot, put coconut oil, honey, maple syrup and molasses. Warm over low heat, just long enough to melt coconut oil and honey. (Raw honey tends to be solid.). Take off flame and stir in maple flavoring.

Stir into oat blend until all is mixed well.

This amount will evenly cover 5 “leathers” for my dehydrator. There is no need to oil the sheets before spreading the cereal evenly over the sheets. Set temp for 135°F. Let dry for 10 to 12 hours in the dehydrator. Be prepared for your house to be filled with the smell of maple syrup, which is maddeningly delicious.

When the cereal is dry, it will be slightly tacky, at the most. Let the dehydrator sit for a few hours, turned off, to cool the cereal. Pull cereal off the sheets, crumbling to preferred cereal-size as you do so into a giant bowl. Think- the old Tupperware salad bowl from yore. Yeah, that big. Then transfer the cereal to a container that has a burp-lid of some sort. It fills my Rubbermaid 18-cup keeper to the top. It keeps for 3 to 4 weeks. Yeah, right, like it will not be all consumed before then?

This is our breakfast cereal. We eat 1/2 cup to 1 cup with milk poured over. It is sweet, but not too sweet. It is very filling. Chewing it up is a great jaw workout. laughing… I have no idea to what the calories or nutrition data is. I do not care, either.

I make my own honey roasted sunflower seeds for salads, I use them in this recipe. They are not salty enough to be a problem. drool… I buy my nuts in bulk, toasting them for 10 minutes or so at 300°F. I let them cool and bag up, putting them in the freezer, ready for use. I do not pre-chop the nuts, not knowing what form I may need in a recipe.

Loves and hugs!

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