Summer Garden and Musings
Summer is long gone and Fall is gone in my region. We are already having Winter temps here. Snow is on the mountain tops already! I am posting garden photos, then my Musings on what I will be doing this Winter with my website blog.
Below are photos from June until October 5th of the garden and what little we got this year. The new garden beds were a joy to work in. Everything came up beautifully. Outrageous heat hit us for almost a month, I will not go into it. That said…
Below is some of the radishes and snap beans. Sadly, the purple ones blanch/cook to a yellowish cream. I wish they stayed that gorgeous purple!
The next bit is sad. 102°F is not normal, ever, in my region. My peas tried to hang on, but the heat eventually murdered them. I harvested all of the peas that made it. One beautiful bit is the bloom for the Irish pea varieties I planted in the arch beds on the side of the house.
A lot of the vegetables stopped growing after the heat. I grow vegetables geared to my region, not the hotter regions, I still got a good amount of carrots, zucchini and scallions (green onions). We also had our first hard freeze not long after harvesting everything that made it by the beginning of October. Himself pulled all of the tomato and pepper plants. The tomatoes that were viable are in the spare bedroom, ripening.
In the last patch of carrots, this heart-shaped carrot was almost the last carrot pulled. It is, of course, two carrots that grew into one. Lovely!
We ate a lot of lovely salads until the heat hit and caused the lettuce to bolt immediately. We also got a good amount of zucchini, most in the freezer. There is some that will be eaten tomorrow, sautéed in butter and garlic along with a beef roast. I am roasting the beef in the crock pot with some of our carrots and potatoes.
I will not go into what the heat did to the potatoes. We are lucky for what little we got. All in all, I am thankful for what we got during the season.
I will have the website down in a month or so for a complete redo. I found a theme I like for the redo. It is laid out more like a blog, though I have the galleries and how-to articles, if that makes any sense. The colors will change a little too. I am designing my new banner that is more “Me” and more.
I am learning dot art painting and having a blast. I will post images of my paintings, along with links to various artists that teach on Yucktube. Please do not equate their teaching with my skills. laughing… I am having fun, which is all that matters.
I will also finally post an article on divining with playing cards for anyone interested. It will not be how-to, but what I went for, considering how many different views of the “correct” meanings are. What a headache it can be to decide which method to use!
I am officially a certified Spectra Lightworker, or Light Warrior, as the teacher puts it. What a wonderful path that has been. I love working with energies!
When this site is down for “maintenance”, (which is what one uses when redoing their website using the WordPress engine), I have no clue how long it will take. It is what it is.
Hugs and Loves!